Hey everyone! I'm Samuel Temple, also known as Temple online and I'm here to share the team that included Dartrix, which I brought to Ft. Wayne Regionals as well as a few smaller events. I loved playing this team and thought I want to share it since I thought that would be cool. I have a feeling you'll like the team and without further ado, let's begin!
Teambuilding Process

Like with all teams I build from scratch, I started out with 2 Pokemon I thought would work well together. Nihilego and Tapu Koko were chosen because I liked the idea of this offensive duo and thought I could support them with some bulk and defense fixing what they lacked.

I chose Garchomp as the 3rd member because it could switch into ground moves well and support

Arcanine works well since I liked the Intimidate pressure is provided and as a Fire-type, could handle a potential problem of Kartana and Celesteela well.

I needed a Water-type to handle Arcanine more and wanted a second terrain so Tapu Fini made sense.

Dartrix was a very interesting call as it's the only Pokemon in the format that fit the 2 goals I needed from it: I wanted a grass type to threaten water types like Gastrodon and Tapu Fini, and I needed a flying type since, at the time, I didn't have a Pokemon that could switch in to ground moves and take no damage. Note: It was at this point where I got a lot of help from Gyuly, who was awesome enough to help me with improving the Pokemon with their EV Spreads, item, and move choices.

In practice with those 6, Tapu Fini was not pulling its weight at all, so we decided to dropped it and tried Snorlax since, in theory, a strong normal type that could operate as a strong Trick Room counter was nice. The problem was that to effectively use Snorlax in a good way since the try and true method of Curse wasn't going to cut it. We tried Stockpile and Belly Drum, but Snorlax lacked the right support to pull it off.
Gyuly suggested it a while back, but I wasn't necessarily convinced, but Celesteela naturally fit the final slot perfectly. It gave the team a second flying type so Garchomp became much safer to Earthquake and it could also switch in on Tectonic Rage, it gave me an effective answer to the rise in Mimikyu + Snorlax, and was strong enough to take many hits, giving the team an effective defensive juggernaut.

Nihilego @ Focus Sash
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
– Sludge Bomb
– Power Gem
– Hidden Power [Ice]
– Protect
Nihilego was a fantastic choice for the team. The main reason I chose it was because its offensive coverage with Rock, Poison, and Ice was beautiful since it could effectively damage most of the metagame and a lot of the common Pokemon like the Tapus, Arcanine, and Garchomp, which I expected to face most rounds, which made it essential in most games. The EV Spread is quite simple. I went fully offensive since I wanted Nihilego to get off as much damage as possible and be as fast as possible to do so. I tried Life Orb over the Focus Sash, but I want Nihilego to survive at least 2 turns to make sure it can do that was awesome. Focus Sash also gives it a better answer versus random Choice Scarfed Garchomp that might pop up. In practice, I found I was bringing Nihilego in a lot of my games because it was so helpful and most turn it's on the field, was pressuring so much damage and even KOs.

Tapu Koko @ Fairium Z
Ability: Electric Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 156 HP / 124 Def / 108 SpA / 28 SpD / 92 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
– Thunderbolt
– Dazzling Gleam
– Hidden Power [Fire]
– Protect
Tapu Koko was probably the team's MVP. The reason was is that when I needed to build a Tapu Koko set, I wanted it to KO Garchomp. Since Hidden Power [Ice] can be unreliable, Twinkle Tackle is the most effective answer to OHKO Garchomp. After settling on it, the problem came that when I was testing the most successful Twinkle Tackle Tapu Koko that Nails used, it would always lose to Choice Scarfed Garchomp. I immediately went with 156 HP / 124 Def, which was an amazing call as it meant Tapu Koko can survive Adamant Choice Scarfed Garchomp's Earthquake and then KO it with Twinkle Tackle. That worked beautifully as it made Tapu Koko an effective answer versus all forms of Garchomp out there. The speed is meant to outspeed Kartana and hit it with Thunderbolt. I used Hidden Power [Fire] in Ft. Wayne to deal with Kartana, although if you use the team, I recommend Discharge because Alolan Marowak won Worlds and I expected to face it, as well as I faced Wolfey's Worlds team that included Togedemaru to many times on the ladder so it made sense so Tapu Koko doesn't become outright useless against teams with these two. I forgot to put Discharge on but if I did, it would've helped in Ft. Wayne.

Garchomp @ Assault Vest
Ability: Rough Skin
Level: 50
EVs: 140 HP / 84 Atk / 20 Def / 148 SpD / 116 Spe
Adamant Nature
– Poison Jab
– Earthquake
– Rock Slide
– Dragon Claw
Like I said above, Garchomp was added to better improve my Garchomp matchup as it's able to properly switch into strong Ground-type moves like Earthquake and Tectonic Rage. The EV Spread is verbatim the one Enosh Shachar used in the ONOG Invitational. The reason being is since I decided that Assault Vest was the best way I wanted to use Garchomp, the one Enosh used looked to be the best way I wanted to use it and I liked the way Enosh built and used it. My move choices are Earthquake and Poison Jab was pretty easy with Poison Jab to hit the Tapus. Rock Slide was chosen so I can hit flying types like Celesteela and even Salamence. Dragon Claw was suggested by my team building partner Gyuly so the team could deal with Salamence and any Flygon that might pop up. We decided to replace it for Fire Fang since the team as a whole could deal with Kartana and Celesteela pretty well. From testing the EV Spread, it survives Kartana's Leaf Blade and non-Life Orb Tapu Koko Dazzling Gleam is a 3HKO, as well as surviving Ninetales' Blizzard. Overall, Garchomp did an amazing job and I'm glad I chose it over Mudsdale since if I decided to use Mudsdale, my Kartana matchup would've been worse.

Arcanine @ Mago Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 76 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 12 SpD / 164 Spe
Adamant Nature
– Flare Blitz
– Extreme Speed
– Roar
– Protect
I generally believe that Arcanine is the best Pokemon in the format, but since its a popular reason due to a strong reason: its strong bulk and offensive power. The EV Spread was used by Lexicon to win the 2017 Collinsville Regionals, but if I was to use the team in the future, I would up the bulk to survive Tapu Koko's Gigavolt Havoc in Electric Terrain. The reason I chose this EV Spread is that I had it in-game and felt comfortable using it. The move choices were pretty simple. Flare Blitz + Extreme Speed is standard, but I choose Roar in my 3rd slot over moves like Bulldoze, Wild Charge, and Helping Hand among others because it could improve my matchup versus set-up strategies versus Eevee and Pokemon that could set-up like Swords Dance Garchomp and Dragon Dance Gyarados. Throughout the day, Arcanine proved why it was on the team and I'm glad it was on the team.

Dartrix @ Eviolite
Ability: Overgrow
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 68 Atk / 76 Def / 108 SpD / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
– Leaf Blade
– Pluck
– Sunny Day
– Protect
I got a lot of comments about Dartrix so its time to talk about it and address the biggest comment which was "Why Dartrix?" When I was team building, I wanted a grass type because I thought water types like Tapu Fini might be annoying to face. I also wanted a flying type because, at this point in the team-building process, I didn't have a flying type to soak up Ground moves. Dartrix is the bulkiest and strongest Pokemon in the format that accomplishes this job. So when I was choosing the moves, Leaf Blade was the easiest one to choose because its a strong grass move and plays on Dartrix's attacking power. I also wanted a flying type move so I went with Pluck. The cool thing about Pluck is that if a Pokemon is holding a berry, you're able to steal it, which is really cool since it allows Dartrix to mess with Pokemon like Snorlax and Arcanine, both of whom really wanna keep their berries. Sunny Day is mainly to improve my matchup versus Rain teams.
The EV Spread allows Dartrix to survive a variety of moves, like Arcanine's Flare Blitz, Nihilego's Sludge Bomb and Power Gem, Pelipper's Hurricane which means if an opposing Rain team wants to KO Dartrix before it uses Sunny Day, they need to double target it, leaving my other Pokemon to do as it pleases. Some people might say that Dartrix isn't the best option, but I always believe that if you can justify a niche Pokemon with what you need out of that Pokemon than its best to use it. I needed a Grass/Flying-type to fulfill the typing roles only Dartrix could provide and the fact that it learns Sunny Day made it the only Pokemon in the format that does this. Tropius also does Dartrix's job, but it's not in the format and its way to frail to do Dartrix's job.

Celesteela @ Figy Berry
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 132 Def / 4 SpA / 116 SpD
Relaxed Nature
– Heavy Slam
– Flamethrower
– Leech Seed
– Protect
The final Pokemon and the defensive pivot of the team, Celesteela was the final Pokemon added, which Gyuly suggested before but I came around to it around 2 weeks after it was pitched, because of how well it performs at simply sitting down and soaking up hits. I had games throughout the day where its defensive capabilities were simply amazing. The set was created by Max Douglas and the reason I was drawn to it is that I wanted to give Celesteela a positive matchup versus Belly Drum Snorlax since once Celesteela gets to at least +1 Defense, it can take a +6 Return from Snorlax and Leech Seed it, stalling it out while repeatedly going for Flamethrower until I get a burn, forcing Snorlax to juggle between going for damage and keeping its health up. The EV Spread allows it to survive 252+ Attack Arcanine Flare Blitz and if Celesteela gets a defense boost, it can survive Arcanine's Inferno Overdrive. Overall, Celesteela was a fantastic pick and I'm glad it was brought onto the team.

In practice with those 6, Tapu Fini was not pulling its weight at all, so we decided to dropped it and tried Snorlax since, in theory, a strong normal type that could operate as a strong Trick Room counter was nice. The problem was that to effectively use Snorlax in a good way since the try and true method of Curse wasn't going to cut it. We tried Stockpile and Belly Drum, but Snorlax lacked the right support to pull it off.

The Team
Link to Paste
Nihilego @ Focus Sash
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
– Sludge Bomb
– Power Gem
– Hidden Power [Ice]
– Protect
Nihilego was a fantastic choice for the team. The main reason I chose it was because its offensive coverage with Rock, Poison, and Ice was beautiful since it could effectively damage most of the metagame and a lot of the common Pokemon like the Tapus, Arcanine, and Garchomp, which I expected to face most rounds, which made it essential in most games. The EV Spread is quite simple. I went fully offensive since I wanted Nihilego to get off as much damage as possible and be as fast as possible to do so. I tried Life Orb over the Focus Sash, but I want Nihilego to survive at least 2 turns to make sure it can do that was awesome. Focus Sash also gives it a better answer versus random Choice Scarfed Garchomp that might pop up. In practice, I found I was bringing Nihilego in a lot of my games because it was so helpful and most turn it's on the field, was pressuring so much damage and even KOs.

Tapu Koko @ Fairium Z
Ability: Electric Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 156 HP / 124 Def / 108 SpA / 28 SpD / 92 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
– Thunderbolt
– Dazzling Gleam
– Hidden Power [Fire]
– Protect
Tapu Koko was probably the team's MVP. The reason was is that when I needed to build a Tapu Koko set, I wanted it to KO Garchomp. Since Hidden Power [Ice] can be unreliable, Twinkle Tackle is the most effective answer to OHKO Garchomp. After settling on it, the problem came that when I was testing the most successful Twinkle Tackle Tapu Koko that Nails used, it would always lose to Choice Scarfed Garchomp. I immediately went with 156 HP / 124 Def, which was an amazing call as it meant Tapu Koko can survive Adamant Choice Scarfed Garchomp's Earthquake and then KO it with Twinkle Tackle. That worked beautifully as it made Tapu Koko an effective answer versus all forms of Garchomp out there. The speed is meant to outspeed Kartana and hit it with Thunderbolt. I used Hidden Power [Fire] in Ft. Wayne to deal with Kartana, although if you use the team, I recommend Discharge because Alolan Marowak won Worlds and I expected to face it, as well as I faced Wolfey's Worlds team that included Togedemaru to many times on the ladder so it made sense so Tapu Koko doesn't become outright useless against teams with these two. I forgot to put Discharge on but if I did, it would've helped in Ft. Wayne.

Garchomp @ Assault Vest
Ability: Rough Skin
Level: 50
EVs: 140 HP / 84 Atk / 20 Def / 148 SpD / 116 Spe
Adamant Nature
– Poison Jab
– Earthquake
– Rock Slide
– Dragon Claw
Like I said above, Garchomp was added to better improve my Garchomp matchup as it's able to properly switch into strong Ground-type moves like Earthquake and Tectonic Rage. The EV Spread is verbatim the one Enosh Shachar used in the ONOG Invitational. The reason being is since I decided that Assault Vest was the best way I wanted to use Garchomp, the one Enosh used looked to be the best way I wanted to use it and I liked the way Enosh built and used it. My move choices are Earthquake and Poison Jab was pretty easy with Poison Jab to hit the Tapus. Rock Slide was chosen so I can hit flying types like Celesteela and even Salamence. Dragon Claw was suggested by my team building partner Gyuly so the team could deal with Salamence and any Flygon that might pop up. We decided to replace it for Fire Fang since the team as a whole could deal with Kartana and Celesteela pretty well. From testing the EV Spread, it survives Kartana's Leaf Blade and non-Life Orb Tapu Koko Dazzling Gleam is a 3HKO, as well as surviving Ninetales' Blizzard. Overall, Garchomp did an amazing job and I'm glad I chose it over Mudsdale since if I decided to use Mudsdale, my Kartana matchup would've been worse.

Arcanine @ Mago Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 76 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 12 SpD / 164 Spe
Adamant Nature
– Flare Blitz
– Extreme Speed
– Roar
– Protect
I generally believe that Arcanine is the best Pokemon in the format, but since its a popular reason due to a strong reason: its strong bulk and offensive power. The EV Spread was used by Lexicon to win the 2017 Collinsville Regionals, but if I was to use the team in the future, I would up the bulk to survive Tapu Koko's Gigavolt Havoc in Electric Terrain. The reason I chose this EV Spread is that I had it in-game and felt comfortable using it. The move choices were pretty simple. Flare Blitz + Extreme Speed is standard, but I choose Roar in my 3rd slot over moves like Bulldoze, Wild Charge, and Helping Hand among others because it could improve my matchup versus set-up strategies versus Eevee and Pokemon that could set-up like Swords Dance Garchomp and Dragon Dance Gyarados. Throughout the day, Arcanine proved why it was on the team and I'm glad it was on the team.

Dartrix @ Eviolite
Ability: Overgrow
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 68 Atk / 76 Def / 108 SpD / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
– Leaf Blade
– Pluck
– Sunny Day
– Protect
I got a lot of comments about Dartrix so its time to talk about it and address the biggest comment which was "Why Dartrix?" When I was team building, I wanted a grass type because I thought water types like Tapu Fini might be annoying to face. I also wanted a flying type because, at this point in the team-building process, I didn't have a flying type to soak up Ground moves. Dartrix is the bulkiest and strongest Pokemon in the format that accomplishes this job. So when I was choosing the moves, Leaf Blade was the easiest one to choose because its a strong grass move and plays on Dartrix's attacking power. I also wanted a flying type move so I went with Pluck. The cool thing about Pluck is that if a Pokemon is holding a berry, you're able to steal it, which is really cool since it allows Dartrix to mess with Pokemon like Snorlax and Arcanine, both of whom really wanna keep their berries. Sunny Day is mainly to improve my matchup versus Rain teams.
The EV Spread allows Dartrix to survive a variety of moves, like Arcanine's Flare Blitz, Nihilego's Sludge Bomb and Power Gem, Pelipper's Hurricane which means if an opposing Rain team wants to KO Dartrix before it uses Sunny Day, they need to double target it, leaving my other Pokemon to do as it pleases. Some people might say that Dartrix isn't the best option, but I always believe that if you can justify a niche Pokemon with what you need out of that Pokemon than its best to use it. I needed a Grass/Flying-type to fulfill the typing roles only Dartrix could provide and the fact that it learns Sunny Day made it the only Pokemon in the format that does this. Tropius also does Dartrix's job, but it's not in the format and its way to frail to do Dartrix's job.

Celesteela @ Figy Berry
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 132 Def / 4 SpA / 116 SpD
Relaxed Nature
– Heavy Slam
– Flamethrower
– Leech Seed
– Protect
The final Pokemon and the defensive pivot of the team, Celesteela was the final Pokemon added, which Gyuly suggested before but I came around to it around 2 weeks after it was pitched, because of how well it performs at simply sitting down and soaking up hits. I had games throughout the day where its defensive capabilities were simply amazing. The set was created by Max Douglas and the reason I was drawn to it is that I wanted to give Celesteela a positive matchup versus Belly Drum Snorlax since once Celesteela gets to at least +1 Defense, it can take a +6 Return from Snorlax and Leech Seed it, stalling it out while repeatedly going for Flamethrower until I get a burn, forcing Snorlax to juggle between going for damage and keeping its health up. The EV Spread allows it to survive 252+ Attack Arcanine Flare Blitz and if Celesteela gets a defense boost, it can survive Arcanine's Inferno Overdrive. Overall, Celesteela was a fantastic pick and I'm glad it was brought onto the team.
- Gyuly – My teambuilding partner and was a wonderful person since if it wasn't for him, this team wouldn't be as good as it could've been.
- Eshi & Treedoodle – I got some really strong practice games against these 2 before Regionals and it helped since I was able to get strong games and I know Treedoodle would be happy to know I played his favorite core of Tapu Koko + Alolan Raichu at Regionals and was pretty annoying.
- Nerdofnow – One of my closest friends in the game, Alex gave me a lot of support before Regionals. Sorry that you couldn't come but I hope we can meet again at a future event to hang out. Eshi is also in the same camp and is just a great friend.
- Galactic, Gramgus, Linkyoshimario, and Sefranek – It was awesome to hang out with you guys at points throughout the day at Regionals.
- Illinois VGC Crew – There are so many awesome people in this group and I'm happy to know you all.
- Also thanks to everyone who supported me. People like Waveless, Quinn, Henry, Fumito, and THATSAplusONE are great people who I'm glad to call friends.
I hoped you enjoyed my team report and if you read it all, huge thanks. I was very happy to do this well with the team since my last time competing live was in June so getting to hang out with some amazing friends and do well since I really wanted to make my return to competition special. If you want to, I'm on twitter @SamJTemple_. Thanks for reading and see you guys next time. Bye!
This team,named as Ft. Wayne,doing great job.You have really formed such a great team.Each and every individual of team is playing very nice role respectively.